Peninsula Produce - Louise Lechte

The enthusiastic epicurean has also carved a well travelled trail on their journey to these southern shores, to gleefully find an abundance of the indulgent pleasures of the table.
Sprawling gums and towering pines so often are the signature landscape, that punctuate the winding roads leading to these culinary destinations.
Silvery green olive capped hills and lush pastures of plenty, a painted landscape spilling out to immerse oneself within. This bold palette delightfully provides a dramatic backdrop for the foodie pleasure seeker in search of their next repast.
Hunger, thirst and possibly even greedy desire, all behavioural stimuli on full alert, being a tempting even torturous realization underpinning the urgency, whilst creating excitable anticipation for this gastronomic search.
This region is bursting with delicious options of food, wine and relaxation, travel far and wide for a splendid serve of the action, as we know treasured travel memories more often have been coloured by a seriously good food experience. Break bread, share and devour, laugh, listen to local storytelling and dive wholeheartedly into this coastal country lifestyle. If you are motoring from Melbourne through Baxter swing by Peninsula Organics
Farm Gate on either Friday or Saturday morning 5971 4466 and fill a basket brimming with seasonal fresh local produce.
More information on – Mt Eliza Township
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